The clues to a great story by Andrew Stanton
Filmmaker Andrew Stanton shares what he knows about storytelling.
AI: How Tech’s Next Revolution Will Change Lives — SXSW 2017
Intel Executive VP Diane Bryant shares Intel’s vision for unleashing AI as well as a perspective on how to accelerate the delivery of #AIforgood.
Brand of the Year Keynote: Adam Harter, PepsiCo – MIPTV 2017
Harter will outline how Pepsi is breaking paradigms to connect with its target consumers
in a more effective and meaningful way through the content and experiences it creates.
12 Inevitable Tech Forces That Will Shape Our Future by Kevin Kelly at SXSW Interactive 2016
In a few years we’ll have artificial intelligence that can accomplish professional human tasks. There is nothing we can do to stop this. In addition our lives will be totally 100% tracked by ourselves and others.
Fear, Shame, Empathy & More Ways to Change Behavior by Daniel Pink at SXSW Interactive 2015
Daniel Pink looks at the science and practice of behavior change. He shows how subtle changes in the environment can dramatically affect what people do. He explores the power (and limits) of techniques from fear to gamification to empathy to distraction.
How the story transforms the teller by Donald Davis at TEDxCharlottesville
Donald Davis remembers, “I discovered that in a story I could safely dream any dream, go anywhere I pleased, fight any foe, live or die. My stories created a safe experimental learning place.”
How Innovation Happens by Eric Schmidt, Megan Smith & Walter Isaacson at Interactive 2015
Innovation is the maxim of the digital era, but how do great ideas become the technologies that transform business, government, and culture? Historically, digital innovations resulted from visionaries pairing with brilliant administrators and governments collaborating with the private sector. Learn how these same forces are coming together today to transform our lives.
The New Audience by Henry Jenkins
The mystery box by JJ Abrams at TedTalk
J.J. Abrams traces his love for the unseen mystery back to its magical beginnings.
Winning the Story Wars by Jonah Sachs at TEDxRainier
Jonah Sachs shows how value-driven stories represent humanity’s greatest hope for the future.
Content: A Brand’s Most Essential Resource at SMWNYC 2016
As the digital marketing landscape matures, content will emerge as the primary differentiator among brands in the space. Brands are beginning to understand content marketing’s power to connect with consumers and form authentic relationships.
Wired for story by Lisa Cron at TEDxFurmanU
Lisa Cron discusses the unparalleled power of story so people move to action — whether that action is turning the pages of a compelling novel, trying a new product, or talking to the streets to change the world for the better.
Nancy Duarte at LinkedIn Speaker Series
Audiences need to connect with information, remember it, and repeat it. The best way to connect people to your ideas is through a story. Nancy Duarte reveals how to transform any presentation into an engaging journey for your audience.
The secret structure of great talks by Nance Duarte
From the “I have a dream” speech to Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners. Nancy Duarte shares practical lessons on how to make a powerful call-to-action.
How Spotify Uses Data to Make Content Smarter and More Social by Rich Frankel at SMWNYC
Rich Frankel shows how data analytics and music intelligence help Spotify better understand how to develop product features, consumer advertising, and innovative programs with brand and tech partners.
The technology of storytelling by Joe Sabia
iPad storyteller Joe Sabia introduces us to Lothar Meggendorfer, who created a bold technology for storytelling: the pop-up book. Sabia shows how new technology has always helped us tell our own stories, from the walls of caves to his own onstage iPad.
This is your brain on communication by Uri Hasson
Neuroscientist Uri Hasson researches the basis of human communication, and experiments from his lab reveal that even across different languages, our brains show similar activity, or become “aligned,” when we hear the same idea or story. This amazing neural mechanism allows us to transmit brain patterns, sharing memories and knowledge. “We can communicate because we have a common code that presents meaning,” Hasson says.
Your Brand, Their Story: Exploring The Shift In Content Creation And Consumption at Social Media Week
What it takes to engage millennials in today’s TL; DR world, and understand key insights of community management, the power of social influence, and how mobile technology facilitates ‘advertainment’.
The Way We Tell Stories Florian Thalhofer at iDocs conference in Bristol 2016
Why We Tell Stories: The Science of Narrative
Stories have existed in many forms—cave paintings, parables, poems, tall tales, myths—throughout history and across almost all human cultures. But is storytelling essential to survival?
Why storytelling matters by Garr Reynolds
A Geographer’s Guide to Building Game Worlds by Kate Edwards
Kate Edwards, draws on her 20+ years of experience as a cartographer and game advisor to explain the primary factors game developers should consider in order to make their worlds seem more real, more relevant, and potentially free of inappropriate cultural cues.